Everything about Electra's design underlines Sumo engineering's fanatic attention to detail.
While other pre-amps give you volume controls, Electra provides laser-trimmed stepped attenuators for volume, bass treble and balance.
These controls will pass high frequency square waves with no apparent distortion, and offer near-perfect channel to channel tracking.
The preamp stage for moving coil cartridges is both complementary and DC coupled, as is the FET magnetic phono stage.
The entire preamplifier remains in phase from input to output.
Even the circuit topology has been configured to reject stray magnetic fields, which can introduce hum and noise into the system.
When Electra is used with other Sumo equipment, such as the Andromeda or Polaris, the interaction is synergistic and you will hear a wide, accurate soundstage, incredible dynamic range, astounding definition throughout the audio band.
In short, the natural, effortless purity of live music.
Frequency response: 2Hz to 100kHz
Total harmonic distortion: 0.01%
Gain: 64dB (MC), 42dB (MM), 21dB (line)
Input sensitivity: 0.115mV (MC), 2.3mV (MM), 315mV (line)
Signal to noise ratio: 65dB (MC), 70dB (MM), 100dB (line)
Dimensions: 485 x 90 x 230mm
Weight: 6kg